La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment


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La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment


The prestigious WHITE FLASH White Intensive Treatment is a 5-weel cure that wields its action gradually. Consisting of three crucial steps – preparing the skin, brightening the complexion and reducing spots – it delivers powerful lightening effects against dark spots and unsightly pigmentation defects. Rid of its dark spots, the complexion is perfectly smooth and even.

Content: 5 bottles + 4 jars

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La Colline
SKU: 3048N Categories: ,

The prestigious WHITE FLASH White Intensive Treatment is a 5-weel cure that wields its action gradually. Consisting of three crucial steps – preparing the skin, brightening the complexion and reducing spots – it delivers powerful lightening effects against dark spots and unsightly pigmentation defects. Rid of its dark spots, the complexion is perfectly smooth and even.

Content: 5 bottles + 4 jars

La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment Results

Eliminates dead cells and pigments, stimulated cellular regeneration, clarifies the complexion, and limits the development of melanin and lipofuscin

How to Use La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment

Step 1) Morning and evening apply 6 drops of White Starter on the entire face and neck for 1 week. This is a preparatory step before beginning the Activator Serum and Intensifier.

Step 2) Apply White Activator Serum twice daily over the entire face and neck.

Step 3) Apply White Intensifier as the final step over the White Activator Serum morning and evening.

La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment Ingredients

WHITE STARTER Lactic Acid, Salycilic Acid, Glycolic Acid WHITE ACTIVATOR Vitamin C, Zinc PCA, CMAge Complex WHITE INTENSIFIER Lux-Factor, CMAge Complex

Ultimate Brightening Treatment with La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment

There’s one particular skin issue that a lot of people experience which is quite frustrating. And that is having unsightly pigmentation in the skin. We all want to have a flawlessly beautiful skin but as we age, we start to notice the difference in our skin and we notice the dark spots and impurities that just doesn’t seem to go away. We try to hire it every day with makeup and all other cosmetic products that we can think of, but it simply doesn’t look the same anymore. Let’s face it; nobody really looks sexy and attractive with so many unsightly pigmentations on the skin.

What are the causes of this skin problem? Well, there are quite a number of factors that can affect this and a lot of it is due to lifestyle and environmental factors. For one, when you are constantly exposing yourself to sunlight, pollution, and extreme weather conditions, your skin’s protective barrier will break down and all the damage it has received will start to mess up your skin’s natural functions. Moreover, sun exposure can cause your skin to have those dark spots which can be quite a challenge to heal.

This is why it is very important that before you head out during the day, you must arm yourself with the right protection in the skin. For instance, applying sunscreen every day will allow you to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Making a proactive change in your lifestyle should be given priority especially if you want your skin to remain as healthy as possible in the years to come. Moreover, skin issues can definitely affect one’s confidence and approach to life so having great skin can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Thankfully, in this modern world, there are so many solutions and treatments to choose from that you can definitely take advantage of. Building a good daily skincare routine, for example, is a good way to start taking care of your skin and providing it with what it truly needs. But considering if your skin has gone through a lot, those daily skincare products won’t be enough. You are going to have to give it an occasional intensive treatment to restore it back to its former glory. Thankfully, you don’t have to go to a spa to do this today.

La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment is a revolutionary whitening intensive treatment that has a 5-wheel cure that wields its action gradually.

This consists of three crucial steps which are preparing your skin, brightening the complexion, and lastly, reduce the dark spots. This treatment delivers a powerful lightening effect on your skin against those unsightly pigmentation defects on the skin as well as dark spots. With the use of this intensive treatment, you will be able to get rid of dark spots and your complexion is left perfectly smooth and even. This treatment contains five bottles and four jars.

La Colline has always been known for their expertise in skin cellular technology and their use of active ingredients in their products.

That being said, La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment contains all the active ingredients that you need so you can be guaranteed of an ultimate brightening treatment. It contains Lactic Acid, Salicylic acid, Glycolic Acid which is responsible for preparing your skin and prepares it for the whitening treatment. It also contains the white activator treatments which are Vitamin C, Zinc, PCA, and the CMAge Complex. CMAge Complex optimizes the cellular renewal in your skin’s tissues so that its natural ability to regenerate new cells is restored. Moreover, this treatment also contains Lux-Factor to intensify the brightening effect on the skin.

To use La Colline White Intensive Treatment 5 weeks treatment properly, make sure to apply this in the morning and evening.

Apply 6 drops of the White Starter on your entire face and neck for 1 week. This is the preparatory step before you can begin the Activator Serum and Intensifier. The next step is to apply the White Activator Serum twice daily over your entire face and neck. And lastly, apply the White Intensifier as your final step over the White Activator Serum during morning and night.

With the use of this treatment, dead cells and pigments are eliminated from your face. It stimulates the cellular regeneration of your skin which means your skin is renewed and you will feel your skin healthy, plumper, and glowing. It also clarifies your complexion making you flawlessly beautiful inside and out. This treatment also limits the development of melanin and lipofuscin in your skin. This is the ultimate brightening skin treatment that you can have if you are looking for an ideal solution to your dark spots and pigmentations.

La Colline White Intensive Treatment helps prevent the appearance and formation of cutaneous pigments on your skin so this makes it a good skin care concoction for your skin so you can prevent any further skin concerns in the future.

Your natural skin tone is lightened and even more, the suppleness and softness in your skin are restored. It is also now highly moisturized and hydrated so you no longer will have problems with dry skin right after. Using this as an occasional intensive treatment will make a huge difference to your skin and will absolutely transform it to be the best. It provides the best results even after a few days of use.

La Colline never fails to provide ultimate skincare solutions to those who need it the most. While aging is definitely inevitable but that doesn’t mean we cannot age gracefully and keep our skin as youthful-looking as possible. It’s never too late to restore your skin’s beauty even if you are experiencing a lot of dark spots and pigmentations today. Just make sure to get the La Colline White Intensive Treatment so, in no time, you will have a skin that you will love!

Additional information

Weight 0.206 kg


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